Suppressor antisieze
Works great and quick shipping
2300 degree F rated anti seize lubricant.
This anti cease product is the perfect lubricant for thread joints, baffle exteriors on serviceable suppressors, and muzzle device interfaces for all sound suppressors. Now available in affordable small quantities, Griffin has repackaged Lok-Cease 20/20, this industrial product and made it available for the consumer.
The half ounce jar accommodates ~ 100 applications. Use of any anti cease product on the aforementioned areas is always encouraged as it will make periodically needed end user maintenance and configuration many times easier. However, this product specifically can withstand extremely high heat and is thus a perfect application for hard use customers.
Examples of application for Griffin products:
All Optimus Micro interfaces, front cap, and baffle exterior
All Optimus Taper interfaces ( blast baffle tapers, taper mount extension taper, taper locking geometry inside tube body, taper locking front caps)
All taper mount muzzle device interfaces (device and suppressor socket)
All pistol piston retainers and 3 lug kits (for OD thread on metal 3 lug rear cap)
Works great and quick shipping
This anti seize might be slightly over priced, but it works very well, and cleans up good when its time to reapply. I have had one container for a couple years, this is a replacement for when I actually use the rest of the first one
I was using Cu based spark plug anti-seize before this. Horse Jipe 2300 works as good or better. I've only been able to use this once since it had been delivered late last week and it's only Monday. On my Surefire 556RC. Just a little dab will do ya, placed sparingly on the tapper mount and threads and you should still try to get the suppressor off before it has a chance to cool and contract onto the mount. The only suppressor specific anti-seize on the market.
See above comments.
Great stuff, a must have for suppressors.
Just a little dab and you will have no worries.
Horse hope 2300 Great stuff use on all my suppressors
Applied this to all thread surfaces on Optimus, stealth flash hider, and minimalist break. After 200 rounds on each, Optimus came off with zero issues and the gas filth never even made it to the tapered surface. Perfect product and worth having a few ounces around.
Very small quantity. Seems to work as advertised. I apply it very sparingly on the taper mount and threads have not had any trouble removing the suppressor after use.
better to use a product the manufacturer provides recommends. no brainer